19th August, 2003
Ministry of Rural Development  


Ministry of Rural Development has released funds to North Eastern States for installation of handpumps in water scarce rural areas, revival of traditional sources of drinking water supply and provision of drinking water in primary schools in rural areas.

Ministry has released Rs. 117.23 lakh to Arunachal Pradesh for providing 521 hand pumps and revival of 521 traditional sources of water.

An amount of Rs.2112.61 lakh has been released to the State Government of Assam for providing 6969 handpumps, in water scarcity areas, drinking water facilities in 4034 primary schools and revival of 6969 traditional sources of water.

Ministry has released Rs.201.34 lakh to the State Government of Meghalaya for Providing 506 handpumps in water scarcity areas, drinking water facilities in 648 primary schools and revival of 506 traditional sources of water.

An amount of Rs.44.33 lakh has been released to the State government of Mizoram for providing 155 hand pumps in water scarcity areas, drinking water facilities in 70 primary schools and revival of 155 traditional sources of water.

State Government of Sikkim gets Rs.28.13 lakh for providing 125 hand pumps and revival of 125 traditional sources of water.

Ministry has released Rs.112.10 lakh to Tripura for providing 341 hand pumps in water scarcity areas, drinking water facilities in 262 primary schools and revival of 341 traditional sources of water. An amount of Rs.122.81 lakh has been released to Nagaland for providing 427 hand pumps, drinking water facilities in 198 primary schools and revival of 427 traditional sources of water.

State Government of Manipur gets Rs.78.21 lakh for providing 107 hand pumps, drinking water facilities in 401 primary schools and revival of 107 traditional sources of water.