19th August, 2003
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways  



The Minister of State for Road Transport and Highways, Shri Shripad Yesso Naik held a Meeting with Members of Parliament from Maharashtra on August 18, 2003 to review the development and maintenance of National Highways in Maharashtra and the utilisation of funds provided to Maharashtra under the Central Road Fund (CRF). Twelve Members of Parliament from Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha participated in the Meeting. They congratulated Sh. Naik for having taken this initiative.

Among other issues, there was a unanimous demand from Members of Parliament to involve them in selection of projects within the respective States wherever the funds are being given by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. It was stated that the present policy of approving the recommendations coming from the State Government leads to neglect of MPs’ recommendations for works at times, more so if the MPs do not belong to the party in power in the respective State.

It was pointed out that of the nearly Rs.300 crore sanctioned for Maharashtra under CRF, the Government of Maharashtra has given utilisation certificates only for Rs.150 crore. It was urged that the State Government should expedite the use of funds granted by the Ministry for the road projects sanctioned in the State and send their utilisation certificates to the Ministry so that more funds could be released. Shri Dilipkumar Mansukhlal Gandhi, the Minister of State for Shipping pointed out that the works sanctioned by the Ministry two years ago are yet to be started by the State Government. He wanted the Ministry to take a serious view of such delays.

It was suggested that wherever the estimates / allocation for a work exceeded the actual amount offered in the tender, the savings should be allowed to be retained for the extension of the same work by the same contractor. This would ensure maximum utilisation of the funds without waiting for re-tendering and permission for extension of the work.

Members of Parliament also expressed concern over accidents on the National Highways due to speed breakers being put up by the local administration, in violation of the Ministry guidelines. They also wanted the Ministry to exercise quality control over the works being implemented in the States. It was pointed out that the tender bids which are 50 percent lower than the estimated cost should not be blindly handed over to the lowest bidder as the bidder may not be serious about doing quality work.