The Andaman and Nicobar
Administration has decided to provide transit accommodation at
Kolkata for ship passengers. 3291 land by the side of
Coal Dock Road in Kokata was taken by A&N Administration on
lease in two phases to construct a multi-storeyed transit accommodation
having a total plinth area of 4940 sq.mtrs. and in the first phase
it was proposed to construct 2031 sq. mtrs. Total amount spent
so far by A&N Administration was Rs.2,44,72,090/- which includes
lease rent, cost of construction of boundary wall and payment
towards arbitration. This was stated by Shri Dilipkumar Mansukhlal
Gandhi, Minister of State in the Ministry of Shipping in a written
reply to Shri Murli Deora in Rajya Sabha today. In reply to another
question the Minister stated that the feasibility of operating
at least one passenger vessel from Haldia is being examined by
A&N Administration on the grounds that it would reduce journey
by 15.00 hours, where sailing would not depend on tide cycle and
it may reduce costs etc. Transit accommodation was required to
be maintained at the Coal Dock Road site, as it would continue
to remain the main hub of the shipping activity for these islands.