30th April, 2003
Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources  


Rajya Sabha

The gross wind power potential in the country has been estimated at 45,000 MW. The present exploitable technical potential is 13,000 MW.

The total cost of installation of commercial wind power projects, on average, is in the range of Rs.4.5 crore to Rs.5.5 crore per MW, depending upon their location, type of equipment selected and other infrastructure costs.

No direct capital subsidy is provided to commercial wind power projects. However, various fiscal and promotional incentives and term loans are available to improve their economic viability. Policies have also been announced by the potential States for power generated from these projects.

This information was given by Shri M. Kannappan, Minister of State for Non-conventional Energy Sources, in a written reply to a question by Shri Jhumuk Lal Bhendia and Shri Santosh Bagrodia in the Rajya Sabha today.