28th April, 2003
Ministry of Law & Justice  


The Law Commission of India is organising a Conference on ‘Alternative Dispute Resolution’, ‘Conciliation and Mediation’ and ‘Case Management’ on May 3 and 4, 2003 in New Delhi. The discussion would focus on section 89 of the Code of Civil Procedure introduced by Amendment in 1999, which has come into force w.e.f. 1.7.2002. This section requires litigants in Court to opt for arbitration, conciliation, mediation or Lok Adalats. The Supreme Court of India, in the Salem Advocates Bar Association case, has appointed a Committee consisting of the Chairman of the Law Commission and four senior members of the Bar to formulate model rules. The Court also requested the Committee to come forward with a case management formula. The present Conference will discuss the draft Rules. The Conference will have a bearing on the Report to be submitted by the above Committee to the Supreme Court of India.

The hon’ble Chief Justice of India will inaugurate the Conference on May 3 and Shri Arun Jaitley, Minister for Law & Justice and Commerce & Industry will preside over. The Chief Justices of all the High Courts, other nominated Judges from the High Courts and subordinate Judiciary, Members of the Bar Council of India and Chairmen of State Bar Councils, Presidents of High Court Bar Associations and experts will participate in the Conference. The valedictory session is towards the evening of May 4, 2003.