25th April, 2003
Ministry of Environment and Forests  


The Forest cover of the country has been assessed for the first time using digital technology. Giving details of the State Forest Report-2001 to the Members of the Consultative Committee attached to the Ministry of Environment and Forests here yesterday, the Environment and Forests Minister, Shri T.R. Baalu said that for the first time lines Imaging Self Scanning III data of Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS) IC and ID was used for the purpose. He also informed the members that for the first time tree cover below one hectare, which cannot be assessed through satellite data, has been ascertained by using field inventory methods. The result has shown that 2.48 per cent of the geographical area is under tree cover.

Shri Baalu informed the members that the National Forest Policy aims at having a minimum of one third of geographical area under the tree and forest cover. He urged upon the state governments to utilize central assistance to focus on the consolidation of Forest boundaries so that the increase in forest cover is not reversed in the next assessment. He informed the members that with this end in view, the states have been advised to hasten the settlement of forests and improve the status of degrade forests.

The Minister also outlined other important milestones achieved since the last meeting of the Consultative Committee. These include the passage in Parliament of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess (Amendment) Bill to augment the resources of Centre and State Pollution Control Boards and the notification on Matheran in Maharashtra as Eco-sensitive zone.

The Minister told the members that during the Tenth Five Year Plan extensive assessment of forest resources inside and outside the forests have been planned at the national level. He said that during the field inventory enrichment of the data will be provided to assess regeneration status, biodiversity indices and soil carbon.

The following members attended the meeting Shri Raj Babbar, Mrs. D.M. Vijay Kumari, Shri Anant M Gudhe, Shri Ranganath Mishra, Shri H.K. Javeri Gowda and Shri Amarsinh Vassntrao Patil.