23rd April, 2003
Ministry of Science & Technology  


An investigation committee comprising specialists has recommended a hazard and operability study of all nuclear process plants. The Committee’s suggestion follows an investigation conducted by it, into an explosion at the Nuclear Fuel Complex Hyderabad on the 20th November last year. The explosion took place in the wet section of the National Uranium Oxide Fuel Plant (NUOFP) and the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board suspended the operation of this section of the plant. No one was injured in the accident and there was no radioactive release into the environ.

The Board has now cleared operation of the Wet section of the Fuel Plant, with the completion of the enquiry. The Special Investigating Committee has confirmed that the explosion was due to what it called "Red Oil Reaction", i.e. an uncontrolled chemical reaction involving hot organic liquid and aqueous nitrate solution. The Committee observed that favourable conditions such as presence of nitrate, organic liquids and temperature for causing the reaction existed in the evaporator at the wet section of the plant at the time of the incident.

The Board issued permission to resume operation after its inspection team verified the adequacy of measures taken up by the Management of the Nuclear Fuel Complex, to prevent recurrence of any such accident.

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