The Government of
Bihar has submitted a list of 19 schemes comprising 5 schemes
of anti-erosion works and 14 schemes for raising and strengthening/construction
of embankments to Ganga Flood Control Commission at a total estimated
cost of about Rs.542 crores.
Flood Management
being a State subject, the responsibility of planning, funding,
executing and operating the flood control schemes primarily rests
with the concerned State Governments. The assistance rendered
by the Central Government is technical, catalytic and promotional
in nature.
The Government of
India has constituted a Committee under the Chairmanship of Chairman,
Ganga Flood Control Commission, Patna to identify the schemes
for inclusion in the Centrally Sponsored Scheme, namely, ‘Critical
anti erosion works in Ganga Basin States’ which is being formulated
for 10th Plan with a central share of Rs. 133.85 crore.
The Committee has already held two meetings. The State Governments
of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Uttranachal, Jharkhand and West Bengal
have been asked to prioritise the schemes for consideration of
the Committee, keeping in view the availability of funds.
This information
was given by the Union Minister of State for Water Resources,
Smt. Bijoya Chakravarty in a written reply to question from Shri
Lalu Prasad in the Rajya Sabha today.