22nd April, 2003
Ministry of Commerce & Industry  



India is poised to emerge as a major exporter of sports goods and toys with the Indian sports goods and toys industry recording a steady growth of 5.54%, having successfully weathered the global economic slowdown and the turbulence of international event post 9/11. The emerging success of the Indian sports goods and toys industry can also be gauged from the fact that developed countries like USA, UK, Germany and Australia are today some of the largest buyers of Indian sports goods and known brands like Adidas, Reebok, Kookabura, Spalding, Rawlings, Nike etc., are our prized customers. This was stated by Shri Rajiv Pratap Rudy, Minister of State for Commerce & Industry, on the occasion of Export Awards Ceremony of the Sports Goods Export Promotion Council (SGEPC) here last evening. Shri D.K. Mittal, Chairman, SGEPC and members of the committee of administration of the Council were present on the occasion while the Minister gave away the Awards for 2001-02 to a large number of exporters.

The Minister assured the exporters that the government would give all support to promote exports of sports goods and toys. The government had always tried to complement the efforts of the industry through schemes like the Market Access Initiative, Market Development Scheme, development of Special Economic Zones and EOUs, EPCG/DEPB schemes etc., he added

Urging the exporters to tap the tremendous export potential of this sector, Shri Rudy pointed out that Indian sports goods and toys had proud antecedents going back to around more than 100 years and born out of India’s age-old skills in the areas of metal processing, wood crafts etc., in spite of which "we have been overtaken by the Asian tigers and China (in this sector) in the span of one generation alone". The solution, Shri Rudy said, lies in innovation in pace with changing trends in this highly trend-conscious global industry. "Also notable is the change in the attitude towards sports itself. Sports is no more an activity of indulgence and entertainment for some, rather it transcends the whole life style of people all over the globe. And with it has arisen requirement for myriad equipment and accessories for a variety of sports needs. And in India, inflatable balls alone accounts for 50% of total exports! Our basket of goods continue to comprise few traditional items whereas the world over the trends have shifted to new products, new raw materials, new technologies and even to new sports. However, today it is India’s moment of opportunity. The challenge is to take stock of our competitive advantage and convert our vision into reality", he said.

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