10th April, 2003
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways  


Rajya Sabha

The target for completion of Golden Quadrilateral (GQ) is December, 2004. More than 85% contracts are likely to be completed before this date. With the incentives provided for early completion, it is expected that all the contracts on GQ will be completed by this date, except for the work on 136 km which has been held up due to alignment problem/litigations.

Details of problems being faced and the steps being taken to solve the problems are given below :

  1. Land Acquisition :
  2. Various legal/procedural requirements which are required to be completed before acquisition of land are delaying the progress. There are large number of structures, removal of which is also a time taking exercise.

  3. Removal of utilities :
  4. To enable the contractors to take up construction of the road, the land has to be made free of all encumbrances including utilities like water pipelines, electric poles, etc. Shifting of such utilities can be taken up only after the land is acquired, cleared of structures and made available to the contractor.

  5. Environmental/Forest clearance :
  6. Environmental clearance (including forest clearance in respect of land recorded as forest) has to be obtained. Many of the stretches also have trees and obtaining permission of cutting of trees is also a time taking exercise.

  7. Quarries :

Contractors are finding it difficult in some States to obtain permission for quarrying for aggregates and this also delaying the progress of work in some packages.

(v) Law and Order :

Law and order problems created by anti-social elements are also hindering the work in some States. In some places the local people are preventing the construction work demanding change of alignment or additional facilities or higher compensation for the land acquired.

Steps taken to solve the problems :

In order to resolve the problems, the issues are taken up with the concerned State Governments at various levels. Besides, these matters are taken up by Minister for Road Transport and Highways with the concerned Chief Minister to resolve the problems.

This information was given by the Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Road Transport and Highways, Maj. Gen. (Retd.) B.C. Khanduri in a written reply to a question of Shri V.V. Raghavan and Shri J. Chitharanjan in Rajya Sabha today.