10th April, 2003
Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation  



As on 1,49,24 Central sector projects costing Rs. 20 crore and above were under implementation in Uttar Pradesh. During the last three years, 13 projects were completed and 14 new projects taken up. Thus, as on 1.4.2002, 25 Central sector projects were under implementation in the state, including 6 projects which had slipped from the Ninth Five Year Plan to the Tenth Five Year Plan. Fund constraints, delay in rehabilitation and resettlement of displaced families and slow progress by contractors are some of the reasons for the slippage of projects.

As on 1.4.2002, a total expenditure of Rs. 1234.95 crore had been incurred on the 25 on going projects. The balance cost of Rs. 6166.65 crore is likely to be incurred during the Tenth Plan period.

The steps taken by the Government to improve project implementation include:

    1. in-depth periodical review of projects by the Government;
    2. taking up of projects for implementation only after funds have fully been tied up;
    3. follow up with the State Governments in respect of problems relating to acquisition of land, rehabilitation related issues, forest clearances, provision of infrastructure facilities and ensuring law & order at project sites;
    4. setting up of Empowered Committees in the administrative Ministries for review of departmentally executed projects;
    5. inter-ministerial coordination for resolving outstanding problems;
    6. setting up of Standing Committees in the Ministries/Departments to fix responsinbility for time and cost overruns;
    7. appointment of nodal officers for each project with continuity of tenure; and
    8. issuance of guidelines on standard bidding documents for adoption.

This information was given by Shri S.B.Mookherjee, Minister of Statistics & Programme Implementation to a question by Prof. M.M. Agarwal in Lok Sabha today.