9th April, 2003
Ministry of Water Resources  


To focus attention on various issues relating to water resources development and create public awareness, observance of Water Resources Day every year was started in India in 1987. Subsequently, in 1994 UNO declared March, 22 every year as "World Day for Water". Since then a joint National Function is organised every year on 22nd March at New Delhi followed by another national level function observed by Central Water Commission (CWC) to mark the beginning of series of Water Resources Day programmes throughout the country. This year National Level function will be organised by CWC here tomorrow. A theme is chosen every year which forms the basis for countrywide discussions in various seminars, symposia and conferences organised at various places in the country during this month. This year’s theme is ‘Conservation of Water in Agriculture and Industrial Sectors’.

During the 20th century, while the World population has increased three folds, use of water has increased by seven times. With the increase in population, urbanisation and industrialisation the demand of water for various uses is continuously increasing and thereby reducing per capita water availability. India possesses about 4% of World’s water resources and ranks 5th in the World for availability of water after Canada, China, USSR and Brazil. This resource is very unevenly distributed over time and space. This calls for water conservation measures to be adopted particularly in irrigated agricultural and industrial sectors which are the two major sectors of water users. To face the water crisis that is likely to occur in future we may have to increase the water storage capacity as well as take measures for conservation of water and its efficient use. With increased water use in Industrial sector, conservation measures including recycling and reuse would have to be followed judiciously.

To meet the growing demands of water for food, urban and rural use, industries including power, adequate conservation measures are a must. It is an urgent necessity and involvement of all concerned would be required to meet the challenge. Strategies will need to focus on augmentation and optimum utilisation without sacrificing the quality with peoples participation.