7th April, 2003
Ministry of Labour & Empowerment  



Child Labour is a complex and multi-dimensional socio-economic problem. The data on child labour is generated through the decennial census. The National Sample Survey Organisation also conducts surveys on various aspects including child labour at regular intervals. During the Xth plan, a provision has been made for conducting two surveys on child labour.

The new strategy proposed to be adopted during the Tenth Plan for the elimination of child labour is as follows:

  • Policy and programmes for elimination of child labour would be continued in a more focussed, integrated and convergent manner.

  • The National Child Labour Projects (NCLPs) would be expanded to cover 150 child labour endemic districts.

  • Child Labour efforts would be linked with the scheme of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (Education For All) of Ministry of Human Resource Development to attempt to ensure that children in the age group of 5-8 years get directly linked to schools and the older children are mainstreamed to the formal education system through the rehabilitation centres of NCLPs.

  • Efforts will be made to strengthen the formal education mechanism in the child labour endemic areas in the country both in terms of quality and numbers in such a manner as to provide an attractive schooling system to the child labour force and its parents so that motivational levels of both the parents and such children are high and sending these children to school becomes an attractive proposition.

  • It is also proposed to engage master vocational trainer for each NCLP for training of vocational teachers of the NCLP schools in order to lay emphasis on vocational training.

  • Convergence with ongoing schemes of the Department of Education, Rural Development, Health and Women & Child Development would be critical for the ultimate attainment of the objective of elimination of child labour in a time bound manner.

  • A provision to attach a Medical Doctor for every 20 schools to take care of the primary health needs of the children has also been provided.

The problem of child labour requires to be dealt through sustained efforts over a period of time. Government is committed to the goal of eradication of child labour in all its forms. Considering the nature and magnitude of the problem a gradual and sequential approach has been adopted to withdraw and rehabilitate child labour beginning with the children working in hazardous occupations.

This information was given by the Minister of State for Labour Shri Vijay Goel in the Lok Sabha today.