4th April, 2003
Ministry of Agriculture  



The overall foodgrains production for the year 2002-03 is estimated at 184.06 million tonnes as against the record production of 212.02 million tonnes achieved in the previous year. The third advance estimates, the latest were finalised at the National Conference on Agricultural for Kharif Campaign 2003 that concluded here today. Announcing the estimates Shri R.C.A. Jain, Secretary in the Union Agriculture Ministry said despite the decline in foodgrains production as a result of the worst drought of the century last year, there is no room for concern as the foodgrains stock in the country continues to be well above the buffers stock norms ensuring country’s food security. The two day National Conference was attended by the State Agricultural Commissioners, Agriculture Secretaries, Vice-Chancellors of Universities, senior Scientists from the ICAR and senior officers of the Planning Commission, Department of Space and the Union Ministry of Agriculture.

The foodgrains production in 2002-03 has declined by 13.20 per cent from the previous crop year. The Rabi foodgrains production estimated at 94.61 million tonnes has for the first time exceeded the Kharif foodgrains production estimate at 89.45 million tonnes. The latest estimates of the overall foodgrains production marks a marginal improvement of 89 lakh tonnes over the second advanced estimates announced in February this year. The rice production is expected to be 76.91 million tonnes, a decline of 17.40 per cent from the previous year’s production of 93.08 million tonnes. The Rabi Rice output is estimated at 10.18 million tonnes. Wheat production has suffered less due to better weather conditions in the winter season. In spite of considerable decline in area the wheat production is estimated to be 70.26 million tonnes compared to 71.81 million tonnes in 2001-02. The predominantly rainfed crops of coarse cereals and pulses have been severely effected by the monsoon failure last year. The total coarse cereals production is expected to be 25.08 million tonnes marking a decline of 26 per cent from the previous year. The production of pulses at 11.8 million tonnes has declined by about 10 per cent.

Oil seeds production suffered the most declining to 15.57 million tonnes from 20.46 million tonnes in 2001-02, a decline of about 24 per cent. The Rabi Oil Seeds production estimated at 7.5 million tonnes has, however, declined by only 5.6 per cent from the previous year. Cotton production has declined by 15.61 per cent while in the case of Jute & Mesta and Sugarcane, the decline is in the range of 5-6 per cent.

During the review of the prospects of the crop production for 2002-03 Shri Jain said the year witnessed monsoon rainfall deficiency of 19 per cent at the National level with 19 out 36 meteorological sub-divisions in the country receiving deficient or scanty rainfall. The deficiency of 49 per cent in the agriculturally most active month of July severely affected agricultural operations.

The Conference discussed in detail and strategies for the forthcoming Kharif season including cropping plan and availability of key inputs for different crops in the states, flexible implementation of the Central Plan Schemes in macro-management mode and the consequent benefits, reforms in agricultural marketing, credit and risk management and update on WTO discussions. For the first time, important issues relating to Animal Husbandry sector were discussed at the Conference.