29th September, 2002
Ministry of Finance & Company Affairs  


The Union Minister for Finance and Company Affairs, Mr. Jaswant Singh urged the World Bank to further work for dismantling of trade distorting barriers in industrialized countries and to strengthen capacities of smaller developing countries for better trade negotiations. The Minister was making a statement at the Development Committee Meeting of the World Bank at Washington yesterday. The Minister stated that it was critical for developing countries to fully understand trade dynamics, build capacity to compete and create necessary institutions and infrastructure to export efficiently. He said the World Bank can play a very important and effective role in identifying the crucial constraints and in financing critical investment.

The Minister welcomed efforts of the Bank towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) particularly the efforts for putting together the Education for All fast-track initiative. He, however, felt that many countries are in the danger of not meeting a number of the Goals and suggested that progress in this area should be reviewed by the Development Committee. The Minister also stated that the Bank should focus on improving measurement and monitoring to assess physical achievement through targets particularly in areas such as infant and maternal mortality rates, increased access to clean drinking water and reduced incidence of infectious diseases.

The Minister underlined the need for developing countries to have greater access to stable and longer term sources of capital flows. He expressed concern over the delays in delivery of promised debt relief in some Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs) and said that there is need for greater flexibility in this sector.

The Minister supported the role played by Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) in poor countries without national planning traditions for providing a policy framework for pursuing poverty reduction measures. He, however, said this must be underpinned by building capacity and strengthening institutions in key areas such as poverty diagnostics, statistical systems, public expenditure management and poverty and social impact assessments at every level. The Minister also called for harmonizing and simplifying operational policies and practices to develop common reporting systems and guidelines for all multilateral and bilateral aid agencies. He said this would help to create a cost-effective environment where environmental and social safeguards could also be incorporated.


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