25th September, 2002
Ministry of Science & Technology  


At a Conference of State Population Commissions/Councils, sponsored by the National Commission on Population here today, the Central Government was called upon to evolve a focussed programme for the stabilisation of population. It was felt that unless steps are taken urgently in this regard all the development that we made so far would be of no consequence. Addressing the conference, the Minister for Human Resource Development and Science and Technology Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi stressed the need for a synergy between the Ministries of Health and Human Resource Development and other concerned departments to centralise their attention to those states who are lagging behind in stabilising the population.

Underlining the importance of education and nutrition in this national task, Dr. Joshi said wherever female literacy had gone up, population had come down there. Also it was found that the states which had done very well in the nutritional programme especially for the child and the mother, the population was observed to be stabilising. What is more important is the "political will" and a mission-mode approach to achieve the goals of the National Population Policy. Stating that the NGOs and the mahila mandals are doing very well in family planning programmes, Dr. Joshi pointed out that the Anganwadi workers can do a lot in this regard. He also spoke of incentives and dis-incentives for population control and said if any state wants to spread the awareness then population stabilisation could be introduced in the syllabi. Health and education alone determines the socio-economic strength of a nation, Dr. Joshi averred.


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