The Centre has worked
out an action plan in consultation with the States to fill up
all the existing 2216 vacant posts of judges and magistrates in
district and subordinate courts for the current financial year
2002-2003 as per the directions of the Supreme Court in Judge’s
case in March, 2002.
filling of all the 2216 vacancies of judges in the subordinate
courts and all the 1734 Fast Track Courts becoming fully functional
during 2002-2003, a total of 3950 additional courts will get added
to the present number of 12737 courts to make 32 per cent more
additional courts.
There are 21 High
Courts in the country with the approved strength of 647 judges.
As on date, there are 141 vacancies in the High Courts.
In view of the Prime
Minister’s direction to fill up vacancies in the High Courts expeditiously,
the Chief Justices of the High Courts were advised to speed up
their recommendations for filling up the vacant posts.
The Government has
been urging upon the Chief Justices of the High Courts to make
recommendations for filling up vacancies in the High Courts. The
Ministry has received proposals for filling up 65 vacancies in
the High Courts which are under examination.