20th September, 2002
Ministry of Civil Aviation  


India has made it clear that any further requests by Pakistan on lifting of aviation restrictions could be considered only after Islamabad reciprocates India’s gesture of opening of its airspace to Pakistani aircrafts for overflights. This was conveyed by the Civil Aviation Minister Shri Syed Shahnawaz Hussain to the President of the International Civil Aviation Organisation Dr. Assad Kotiate during a meeting in Montreal, Canada. Dr. Kotiate told the Minister, he has received a letter from the Government of Pakistan indicating their desire for resumption of commercial flights. He also appreciated the very positive step taken by India in announcing the withdrawal of restrictions to overfly Indian Territory on a reciprocal basis.

Shri Hussain made it clear, not withstanding the continued cross border terrorism, India announced lifting of restrictions on the use of airspace for overflying by Pakistan aircraft as a reciprocal basis with due approvals. He said India has been the victim of cross-border terrorism for a long time, which has resulted in the loss of 60,000 lives in India. Shri Hussain said that sustained efforts made by India to establish friendly relationship with Pakistan including Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s journey to Lahore by bus has failed to evoke desired result.

Initiatives taken by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) for strengthening aviation security standards, audit of airport security and war risk insurance also figured during the discussions. Acting Secretary General and Directors of ICAO and senior officials were present during the meeting. Shri Hussain appreciated Dr. Kotiate’s contribution to civil aviation. Dr. Kotiate also expressed his confidence that ICAO and India will continue to cooperate effectively on major issues afflicting the sector.