18th September, 2002
Ministry of Commerce & Industry  



Shri Rajiv Pratap Rudy, Minister of State for Commerce & Industry, has asked the drugs and pharmaceuticals industry to tap the huge market existing in the Latin American Region, which is one of the fastest growing pharmaceuticals markets in the world. Inaugurating a 4-day India-LAC Health Summit (Sept.18-21), which is being organised jointly by the Department of Commerce, Government of India and Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI), here today morning, Shri Rudy said that the Indian pharmaceutical industry had a competitive edge in LAC market with cheaper price and an abundance of highly trained scientific personnel. "Since most of these countries do not produce bulk drugs, India can hope to be a regular supplier", he added. H.E.Dr.Alfonso Varela, Minister of Public Health, Uruguay, Shri Dipak Chatterjee, Commerce Secretary, Shri R.S.Lodha, President, FICCI, Shri T.C.Venkat Subramanian, Managing Director, EXIM Bank and Dr.Amit Mitra, Secretary General, FICCI were present in the function along with Ministers/Vice-Ministers from Latin American countries and representatives of leading Indian drugs and pharmaceuticals companies.

Shri Rudy informed that India ranked fourth worldwide accounting for 8% of the world production by value and seventeenth in terms of export value of bulk and finished pharmaceuticals. Citing the benefits of favourable cost structure, high standard of business ethics and a robust legal system as India’s strength, the Minister said that the traditional medical system like the Ayurvedic system, which had gained wider acceptance in the West as an alternative system of medicine, could be tried in LAC region with the support of the respective governments. "There is a need to reduce the registration time and cost and the procedures streamlined in the Latin American countries. The visa for professionals should be made easy by the Governments of LAC region", he added.

In his Keynote address, Shri Chatterjee stated that India had complied with all the obligations of the TRIPS Agreement and added that India’s regime would be at par with the developed countries once Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) law became fully operational. He said that India is more or less self-sufficient in 300 essential drugs as compared to the LAC region and stressed the need to explore new ways and means to realise the full potential to increase the bilateral trade.

India’s exports of Drugs & Pharmaceuticals to select 20 Latin American countries has increased continuously from Rs.59.46 crore in 1995-96 to Rs.776.90 crore in 2001-02. It is projected that government spending on the health sector in Latin America would grow at approximately 8.5% per annum. According to an estimate, the market potential for pharma products in that region is about US$ 28 billion. India’s share in this huge market is currently less than 1% indicating the tremendous potential for growth. This Summit will provide an opportunity to the Latin American participants to interact with leading Indian pharma companies and healthcare service providers. This will lay foundation for sustainable partnerships in the health sector in the form of Indian joint ventures and subsidiaries in the Latin American countries.