8th September, 2002
Prime Minister's Office  



The Prime Minister, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee called for a workable solution of Cauvery river water problem for the current season, so that farmers of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka are able to cultivate their fields in the present drought situation. He was presiding over the Fifth emergency meeting of the Cauvery River Authority (CRA), here today. Following is the text of the opening remarks of the Prime Minister :

"I welcome you all to the Fifth meeting, which is an emergency meeting, of the Cauvery River Authority. The Supreme Court in its order dated September 3, 2002 has directed Karnataka to release 1.25 TMC ft of water till a final decision is taken by the Cauvery River Authority. I shall be away for more than a week. Hence the necessity for calling this emergency meeting.

In the last Cauvery River Authority meeting on August 27, we had all agreed that Cauvery basin is among the most severely affected river basins. We also agreed that there is no solution other than sharing the deficit and the distress in an equitable manner in a spirit of compassion, mutual understanding and national solidarity.

We had directed the Monitoring Committee to meet and finalise before September 15, 2002 a specific formula for distress sharing keeping in view the directions of the Tribunal given on April 3, 1992. I understand that the Monitoring Committee has discussed the distress sharing formula in its Fourth Emergency Meeting held yesterday. While the basin States agreed on certain issues, no final conclusion could be arrived at. The situation being very critical this year, we have to immediately come out with a workable solution for the current season so that farmers in both the States are able to cultivate their fields in the present drought situation.

I would request the Chief Ministers to make their remarks and discuss the present situation keeping in view each other’s requirements. I hope we will be able to have a fruitful deliberation on this vexed problem and come out with a practical and workable solution acceptable to all the basin States."

Apart from the Prime Minister and the Water Resources Minister, Shri Arjun Charan Sethi, those who attended the meeting included Shri S.M.Krishna, Chief Minister, Karnataka, Shri A.K.Antony, Chief Minister, Kerala, Shri N. Rangaswami, Chief Minister, Pondicherry and the Finance Minister of Tamil Nadu, Shri C. Ponnaiyan who led the delegation of his State.

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