6th September, 2002
Ministry of Labour & Empowerment  


The Employees State Insurance Corporation, ESIC, has taken over State run ESI hospitals at Hyderabad and Jaipur for their conversion into model hospitals under the scheme. About a dozen hospitals are earmarked for take over by the Corporation over the next few months. Addressing the 123rd Meeting of the Corporation here today, the Labour Minister and Chairman of the ESIC Dr. Sahib Singh said that about Rs.100 crores have been earmarked for setting up of one model hospital in each state. The Labour Minister called for immediate improvements in medical services by the concerned State Governments in order to enhance the usefulness of the scheme at the grassroots level. He said that proposals of the State Governments in this connection would be cleared within one month. He said that decision on the pending proposals would be taken by October 31, 2000. Dr. Sahib Singh expressed his deep concern over the loss of social security cover under the ESI scheme by a large segment of workers who have been either rendered jobless due to introduction of voluntary retirement schemes or have crossed the present wage ceiling of Rs.6500. for coverage under the scheme. The Minister said that ways and means should be worked out to bring down the threshold for coverage under the scheme so that social security cover could be extended to a larger segment of worker population. He also said that methodologies could be worked out for extension of social protection to workers in the unorganised sector. Workers in the seasonal factories and establishments should also be entitled to meaningful and need based packages of social security to safeguard their interest, the Minister said.

Speaking on the occasion Minister of State for Labour and Vice Chairman of the Corporation Shri Ashok Pradhan, emphasised that full potential and inherent strengths of the Corporation and the ESI scheme should be fully exploited for the development of an environment of social security for a larger number of worker population. He said that as of now only 8% of the country’s population are protected under various social security schemes whereas 92% of the work force is left to fend for themselves in times of economic or physical distress.

As on date the ESI Scheme stands implemented at about 700 centres in the country and covers about 84 lakhs insured persons. The health care facilities are provided through country wide net work of 180 ESI hospitals and annexes and 5000 smaller service outlets such as ESI dispensaries and panel clinics etc.

The Labour Minister Dr. Sahib Singh on this occasion also released ‘Citizens Charter’ on the ESI Scheme.

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