5th September, 2002
Ministry of Law & Justice  


The ongoing pilot project of computerization and networking of city courts in the four major metros of Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata and Mumbai will have facility for filing of complaints to courts through e-mail by payment of court fees and stamp duty by credit card. Besides, video conferencing link of courts with jail will also be set up. In addition, Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) based telephonic enquiries will be provided. Added to this, electronic court display system for finding out the current order of court hearings and listing of cases will also be there.

In Delhi, the project is scheduled to be completed by March 31, 2003 and in the other three metros it is likely to be completed during the year 2003.

The computerization and networking of courts in four metros will serve as a model for the use of information technology in courts in the rest of the country.

The project, when fructified, will help expedite disposal of cases in the metro courts. The gap between institution and disposal of cases would also reduce considerably.

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