27th October, 2002
Ministry of Environment & Forests  


The United Nations Conference on Climate Change being held in New Delhi has exceeded the expectations in terms of participation. While the UN Climate Change Convention Secretariat officially stated that about 3,000 participants will be attending the COP-8 in New Delhi, the number of registered participants has already crossed 4,900. Delegates from about 175 countries are attending the conference. In terms of media interest also, the participation has over shot the expectations. While the UN Climate Change Convention Secretariat has requested the host country India to provide facilities for media persons in the range of 500 to 700, the number of registered media persons from India and abroad has already crossed 720.

The highest ever participation was in COP-3 held in Kyoto, Japan in 1997 when the Kyoto Protocol was adopted. 9,850 participants attended the Kyoto Conference. Participation in New Delhi Conference is more than that of in COP-7 held at Marrakech, Morocco last year in which 4,460 delegates and media participated.

To compliment the official negotiations at COP-8, New Delhi, 42 exhibits and 83 special events are being organised on topics which mirror the focus of negotiation. 22 special events are focussed on the clean development mechanism (CDM) while the other important topics are mitigation, vulnerability and adaptation underlining the focus of COP-8, with a particular focus on Asia.

The high level ministerial segment will be inaugurated by the Prime Minister, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee on October 30, 2002. The turn out of participants including media persons is expected to further increase towards the high level segment.


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