25th October, 2002
Ministry of Agriculture  


The Secretary, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Shri J.N.L. Srivastava inaugurated the computerized registration of pesticides in the Secretariat of Central Insecticides Board & Registration Committee at Faridabad today. The project costing over Rs. 46 lakhs has been executed by the NIC. Its major components include customized software, training facility, local area network and V-Sat.

Speaking on the occasion, Shri Srivastava said that the computerized generation of registration certificates by the Central Insecticides Board & Registration Committee will bring in greater efficiency and transparency. It will help the entrepreneurs who seek the registration of pesticides and have already been granted certificate of registration under the Insecticides Act. The computerized registration facility will also save much of the time of experts who could devote their time on scrutinizing of cases of new molecules of pesticides and new formulations so that new pesticide molecules become available for use in the country.

On this occasion the Secretary also launched the Web-site of the Registration Secretariat. The site is available on www.cibrc.nic.in. The site hosts a multitude of information including the Insecticides Act, 1968, the Rules there under, Registration Committee guidelines for registration, data/information required under different categories of registration, etc. which are going to be of immense use to both pesticide industries as well as the agriculturists. The computerization of the Secretariat and the Website also open up the possibility for making available the status of all the files on line.

The Central Insecticides Board has been constituted to advice Central and State Governments on technical matters arising out of administration of the Insecticides Act, 1968. The Insecticides Act was enacted with the objective to regulate the import, manufacture, sale, transport, distribution and use of insecticides with a view to prevent risk to human beings or animals and for matters connected therewith. The Registration Committee has been created to register pesticides after satisfying about their bio-efficacy, against target pests and safety to human beings, animal and the environment.

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