24th October, 2002
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare  


A National Consultation for formulating next phase of Reproductive & Child Health (RCH) programme for the years 2003-08 was organized in Delhi recently. The purpose of the consultation was to seek consensus on the components of the next phase of Reproductive & Child Health programme particularly, integration of population stabilization efforts with in the umbrella of Reproductive & Child Health programme and identify strategies and issues required to be addressed during the programme design phase. The consultation was launched by Shri Shatrughan Sinha, Minister for Health & Family Welfare, and was attended by representatives of different ministries, Planning Commission, representatives of the different States and Union territories, UN agencies and bilateral donors, academic and professional bodies, NGOs, RCH experts and others.

Addressing the gathering, the Minister stated that the next phase of the RCH programme would lay stress on organizational and operational aspects of the programme so that the goals of National Population Policy could be achieved in an accelerated manner. He stated that the programme would focus upon the EAG states, the unserved groups such as urban slum dwellers, tribal, adolescent etc. The issues of inter-sectoral coordination as well as that of donor assistance would be ensured. He also exhorted states to own the programme and promised that the programme design would address the states’ requirements as well as their absorption capacity in a flexible manner.

The outlay of the next phase of RCH Programme is likely to be Rs.9,500 crore. All the major donors active in the family welfare sector have promised their support to the programme. The preparation of the programme document has been started by positioning a team of experts who will, within the framework suggested by the aforesaid consultation, and in consultation with the officials of the Ministry, states and other stakeholders prepare the programme proposal. The proposal is likely to be approved and be in operation by December 2003.

It may be recalled that the earlier programme was launched on the eve of 9th Five Year Plan and incorporated new approach to population and reproductive health issues, which put individual at the centre, paid attention to quality of care and gender concerns and abandoned the demographic approach to family planning services, and also sought to involve community in planning and implementation. This phase is coming to an end by March 2003. Therefore, the preparation for the next phase of the programme has been launched with the aforesaid consultation.