17th October, 2002
Ministry of Information & Broadcasting  





Three Years of Government

The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting is the nodal Ministry for the Information, Broadcasting and Entertainment (including Films) sectors. The functions of the three sectors are complementary to each other and cannot be strictly compartmentalized. In the last few years, the rapid advances being made globally in the Entertainment and Broadcasting sectors have transformed the role of the Ministry from an information disseminator to a facilitator of economic growth.

Industry Status to Entertainment Sector

One of the major policy initiatives has been the granting of the 'Industry Status' to the Entertainment Sector (which includes the Film Sector). Institutional finance and other facilities are now available to the Sector. The Industrial Development Bank of India has already started financing film and other entertainment projects. Apart from encouraging corporatisation, the industry status for the Entertainment Sector, will also help in providing clean credit for new projects.


Export of Indian entertainment product including films, music and animation capability has been actively encouraged by the Government. Apart from participation in Film Festivals and Markets abroad, a partnership with the Industry has been established through the aegis of FICCI and CII to make further inroads into the global market. In the last three years, besides substantial increase in export revenue, there has been recognition of Indian films at Cannes, Locarno and in other parts of the world.


Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Film and Advertising

Recognizing the growth and employment generation potential, 100 per cent FDI has been permitted in the film and advertising sectors through the automatic approval route. It is envisaged that foreign participation would help in setting up of multiplexes, financing and production of films and in other related areas.

Up-linking Policy Liberalized

A new and pragmatic Up-linking Policy was introduced which permits all TV channels to up-link from India. Taking advantage of this Policy 77 channels have received permission for up-linking from India. In addition, India is envisaged to become an up-linking hub. For this purpose 49 per cent FDI has been permitted in Indian companies setting up teleports. A total of 16 teleports have been approved already.

Direct-to-home Television

The Government has opened up direct-to-home transmission service in the KU band. This will enable greater choice to the consumer for television content.

Regulation of Cable TV

The Cable TV Networks Amendment Bill for addressability in cable television viewing was recently introduced in the Parliament and passed by the Lok Sabha. This Bill is an effort towards regulating the cable television industry and for protecting the interest of the consumer. The provisions of the Bill aim at providing a choice to the consumer, to pay for only those channels he wishes to see.

Radio Broadcasting Opened Up

In order to diversify radio services and provide choices in entertainment to the people, FM broadcasting has been opened up for the private broadcasters. Five private FM Channels at Mumbai and one each at Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Lucknow and Indore have been operationalised. All India Radio has also launched its 2nd FM Channel providing both news and entertainment content.

Improving Prasar Bharati Infrastructure

A special package of Rs. 430 crores for improvement of AIR/Doordarshan infrastructure in Jammu & Kashmir was approved and is in its last stage of implementation. Another package for improvement of the AIR/Doordarshan infrastructure in the North-East region (including Sikkim and Island territories) has been approved in principle for implementation during the 10th Five Year Plan. In the North-Eastern region, a scheme for establishment of 160 cable head-ends in select villages has been taken up. In the last three years, 275 new TV transmitters have been installed and 11 new studios have been set up. DD Metro coverage increased from 13 to 37.7 per cent of the population. The concept of narrowcasting for telecast of special programmes for rural areas will become a reality with the introduction of this service from 9 TV stations this month. Induction of digital based technology by AIR by launching of digital 'direct to home' satellite service, as also digital based programme production facilities and digital storage of Archival Audio material has also commenced.

New Channels on Doordarshan

Twenty-four hours satellite channels have been launched in Gujarati, Bangla, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Malayalam, Punjabi and Oriya. Kashmir Channel, 24 hours North-East channel and DD-India have also been launched. A State network service has been launched in the new States of Chattisgarh and Jharkhand. A similar service will be launched this year for Uttaranchal. Coverage of DD India is being extended to major parts of the world. A special Sports channel has also been launched. The DD Bharati channel has been launched to focus on children, health, art and culture.

FDI in Print Media

A comprehensive review of the policy on allowing foreign investment in the print media was carried out. It has been decided to allow publication of Indian editions of foreign scientific/technical/specialised journals on a case-by-case basis. Foreign investment has been allowed upto 74 per cent in Indian entities publishing scientific/technical/specialised journals. FDI upto 26 per cent has also been allowed in Indian entities publishing newspapers/periodicals dealing with news and current affairs, subject to certain pre-conditions.

Journalist Welfare Fund

The Journalist Welfare Fund has been set up with a corpus of Rs. 5 crore, with a view to providing immediate relief to the families of journalists who suffer loss of life or permanent disability rendering them incapable of discharging duties.

Media Reach in New States

Offices of PIB, DAVP, S&DD and DFP have been set up in the capitals of the newly created States of Uttaranchal, Chattisgarh and Jharkhand. The AIR and Doordarshan facilities in these States have also been upgraded.

Press Information Bureau

The foundation stone for the National Press Centre was laid by the Prime Minister, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, in New Delhi. Such Press Centres exist in major capitals of the world. The National Press Centre is to be located at a very central place within easy reach of Parliament, the Central Secretariat and various media organisations. The Centre will have the State-of-the-art facilities for facilitating the work of the media.

The Bureau organized multimedia publicity, inter alia, for Gujarat Earthquake Relief, Women Empowerment Year, National Film Awards, International Film Festivals, President Clinton's visit, General and Railway Budgets, Kargil War, formation of new States of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Uttaranchal and other major policy initiatives of the Government.

Publication Division

The Publications Division released an interactive CD in October, 1999 containing writings of Mahatma Gandhi, Film Clippings, photographs and a virtual reality tour of Sabarmati Ashram. The Division published books on Great Lives-Great Words, Empowering the Indian Women and Biographies of Dr. C. Rajagopalachari, Bidhan Chandra Roy, Subhash Chandra Bose, Jai Prakash Narayan and Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya.

Advertising and Visual Publicity

The Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity (DAVP) introduced a simplified Advertising Policy to bring about greater transparency, to simplify the procedure for empanelment and to tighten circulation check of newspapers. A brochure - 'Government of India's Welfare Schemes to Meet Your Needs' - collating welfare schemes of all Ministries/Departments at one place was brought out. DAVP carried out a special campaign immediately after the Gujarat earthquake for calling upon the people to donate generously for earthquake victims. A major campaign was also undertaken as a part of celebrations of 50 years of India's Republic.

Photo Division

The Photo Division undertook extensive photo coverage of PM's visits to several countries including the USA, Italy, Vietnam, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Nepal, South Africa, Mauritius, Maldives and also to visiting dignitaries. A number of photographs on the varied activities of the general election were released to the press for publicity purpose. The Division organised the photo exhibition titled ' A Movement of heroism in Kargil'. The Division is also placing photographs on the internet through the PIB website.

Song and Drama Division

The Song and Drama Division organized a large number of live, and sound and light programmes to disseminate information about developmental programmes. These included staging of 'Shatroopa' a sound and light programme on Women's Empowerment Year, campaign on AIDS prevention, anti-terrorism programmes in J&K and Punjab, use of iodized salt, Quit India Movement, 50 years of India's Republic, Pulse-Polio Immunization and Sindhu Darshan.

Research, Reference and Training

The Research, Reference and Training Division prepared several research papers including a catalogue of Indian women writers and an approach paper on communal harmony with focus on India's multi-religious and multi-cultural society.

Field Publicity

The Directorate of Field Publicity, which is responsible for educating the masses at the grass-root level about the policies, plans and programmes of the Government organized publicity campaigns on national integration, communal harmony, women's empowerment, health and family welfare, AIDS awareness, child rights, literacy and anti-tobacco and anti-drugs themes.