16th October, 2002
Ministry of Information & Broadcasting  


The Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Smt. Sushma Swaraj has praised the mediapersons who covered the Jammu and Kashmir elections in, what she called, most trying circumstances. Despite, the bombs and bullets flying around them they functioned like the armymen defying all the risks and threats from the terrorists, she said.

Presiding over a workshop organized by the Press Association, at the Press Information Bureau, here today, Smt. Swaraj said the Jammu and Kashmir elections were rarest of the rare and fairest of the fair and have established the credibility of the Indian democratic system which has been acclaimed throughout the world. Referring to some aberrations in reporting, she said the mediapersons must not forget their duty as responsible citizens and should not give a handle to the enemies of the country to defame our democratic system.

The Minister said the voters of J&K deserved the greatest praise for the exemplary courage shown by them in coming out for voting in great numbers, giving a befitting reply to the terrorists and their masters across the border. They were not afraid of talking to the media, giving news-bytes fearlessly, knowing fully well that they could be targeted by terrorists even after the elections, she said.

Several mediapersons who covered the elections shared their experiences and narrated the difficult situations in which they carried out their professional assignments. The President of the Press Association, Shri Deepak Razdan thanked the Minister, Election Commission and the PIB for facilitating the mediapersons during the conduct and covering of the election.