11th October, 2002
Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers  


Overall Production

The estimated production of fertilizers during August 2002 was 9.06 lakh MT of nitrogen and that of phosphate was 3.24 lakh MT. Production in the corresponding month of last year was 10.26 lakh MT of nitrogen and that of phosphate was 3.42 lakh MT. In product terms, production of urea was 15.99 lakh MT and that of DAP was 4.06 lakh MT. The overall capacity utilisation in August, 2002 was 88.9% for Nitrogen and 72.3% for Phosphate.

The cumulative production of fertilizers during April-August, 2002 is estimated as 43.49 lakh MT of nitrogen and 16.46 lakh MT of phosphate. The cumulative production in the corresponding period last year was 43.71 lakh MT of nitrogen and 14.41 lakh MT of phosphate.

Sector-wise Production

The statement showing overall production performance of public, co-operative and private sector undertakings as well as the total production of fertilizers in the country is at Annexure.

Dispatches, availability and sale


During August, 2002 15.84 lakh MT urea was dispatched to the States. Cumulative availability of urea during the current Kharif by the end of August, 2002 has been 90.05 lakh MT including opening stock of 13.03 lakh MT. This was 84% of the allocation of 107.00 lakh MT under Essential Commodities Act (ECA) for the season. The availability of urea has been satisfactory in all the States, so far, during the Kharif 2002 season and no State has reported any shortage of urea. The sales of urea upto 31.08.2002 was 65.29 lakh MT which has been lower by about 13 per cent as compared with the sale of 74.92 lakh MT in the corresponding period of the previous year.

(ii ) DAP:

Cumulative availability of DAP during the current Kharif season ;by the end of August, 2002 has been 28.33 lakh MT as compared to the availability of 29.11 lakh MT during the correponding period of the previous year. The sale of DAP upto 31.08.2002 was 15.85 lakh MT which have been lower by about 14 per cent as compared with the sales of 18.51 lakh MT in the corresponding period of the previous year.


Cumulative availability of MOP during the current Kharif by the end of August, 2002 has been 8.47 lakh MT compared to the availability of 10.82 lakh MT during the corresponding period of previous year. During Kharif 2002 (upto 31.08.2002) total sales has ben 5.43 lakh MT which had been lower by about 22 per cent as compared to the sales of 7.01 lakh MT during the corresponding period of previous year. The availability of DAP and MOP has been totally satisfactory in August, 2002 in all the States and no State has reported any shortage during the month.


There was no import of urea during August, 2002. However, 0.23 lakh MT of DAP and 2.32 lakh MT of MOP have been imported during the month. The cumulative arrivals for the current year of DAP and MOP in the country have been 1.46 lakh MT and 9.33 lakh MT, respectively.