11th October, 2002
Prime Minister's Office  



Following is the text of a Press Statement by the Prime Minister, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee at Copenhagen today:

"I am happy to be here in Copehangen. I participated in the India-EU Summit yesterday and have had bilateral meetings with my Danish hosts today. We attach a great deal of importance to such regular exchanges, which provide us an opportunity not only to further strengthen our political dialogue and economic cooperation, but also to address other issues of mutual interest.

Relations between India and Denmark are friendly and warm. I have had constructive discussions today with Prime Minister Rasmussen on bilateral, regional and international issues. I also had an interesting interaction with the Speaker and some Deputies of the Danish Folketing. I look forward to meeting Her Majesty the Queen later today.

In my bilateral exchanges, we have discussed ways to enhance trade and investment. We have identified several potential areas for cooperation, including information technology, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, food processing and non-conventional energy sources.

India and Denmark share the view that terrorism must be rooted out completely. Both countries are committed to countering this grave threat to open, democratic and multi-cultural societies such as ours.

I invited Prime Minister Rasmussen to visit India to continue our dialogue. May I inform he has accepted my invitation.

Thank you".
