11th October, 2002
Ministry of Agriculture  


Union Agriculture Minister, Shri Ajit Singh has asked the National Dairy Development Board (NDBD) to increase procurement of milk from the Rajasthan Cooperative Dairy Development Federation though the Board’s subsidiary, Mother Dairy by two lakh litres in view of the severe drought conditions affecting a large number of poor dairy farmers in that State. The additional procurement of two lakh litres would continue till the end of December, 2002 with this additional two lakh litres, the total procurement from the State would be 5 lakh litres a day. Shri Ajit Singh also asked NDDB to review the procurement in December this year in consultation with the other Stakeholders.

The decision to increase the procurement was taken at a meeting the Minister had with representatives of Rajasthan Dairy Producers including representatives from the Ajmer Milk Union, Chairman, National Dairy Development Board, State and Union Government officials here today.

During the meeting, NDDB also agreed to work out the modalities of accepting the purchase of skimmed milk powder produced by converting 1.5 lakh litre per day milk from the Rajasthan Cooperative Dairy Federation and the price would be decided mutually after discussion. NDDB and the Rajasthan Cooperative Dairy Federation would review the procurement price in November/December depending upon the market situation. In case of requirement, NDDB would place rail milk tankers at the disposal of the Government of Rajasthan for the transportation of water to mitigate the problems of dairy farmers.

The Minister also assured that NDDB would work out the details of increasing the milk processing capacity in the State and also advancing of the perspective plan of various milk unions. He also asked the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying to discuss the issue of procurement of more milk from Rajasthan with other private milk companies. Shri Ajit Singh assured the representatives from the State that all possible help would be extended to mitigate the problems of dairy producers of the State.