8th October, 2002
Prime Minister's Office


Prime Minister’s visit to Cyprus from 7-9th October is likely to result in the signing of important Agreements and Memorandum of Understanding in diverse fields, between India and Cyprus.

Memorandum of Understanding in Information Technology and Services

Information Technology is an area of renewed interest in Cyprus, which it intends to develop as a third pillar of its economy, apart from Tourism and Offshore financial Services. India is a natural partner in this endeavour. Mr. Nicos Rolandis, the Cypriot Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism visited India in April 2002 to get a first-hand experience of India’s achievements in Information Technology and other High Technology sectors. This MoU at Government level will facilitate enhanced interaction in these sectors, which is especially important given Cyprus’ imminent membership of the European Union, its strategic location, and developed human resource base. Already, several hundred software professionals and computer scientists from India are working in Cyprus.

Memorandum of Understanding on Co-operation in Science & Technology

An MoU has been finalized between India and Cyprus to facilitate co-operation in Science & Technology, with the possibility of commercial application in this field. Cyprus is seeking to link-up with India’s achievements in Science & Technology by offering Cypriot Business incubators to Indian scientists. The MoU also provides for joint research and development projects and joint ventures in S & T.

Executive Programme on Cultural, Education and Scientific co-operation

The Cultural Exchange Programme for the period 2002-2005, aims to revive the formal mechanism of cultural exchanges between the two countries, which had been lying dormant for the past 10 years. Both India and Cyprus are ancient civilisations with rich cultural heritages. Regular cultural exchanges under the framework of the Cultural Exchange Programme will enhance people to people contacts between the two countries and lead to a better understanding of each other’s culture and history.

Agreement on Co-operation in the fields of Posts and Electronic Communications

The Agreement incorporates exchange of information and experience in the Posts and Telecommunications sector to strengthen the existing postal services between the two countries. In addition, emphasis has been laid on improving electronic communication services by co-ordinating the use of e-communication technology and satellite services.

Agreement on co-operation in Public Health and Medical Sciences

The Agreement provides for exchange of information on statistics, epidemilology and spread of communicable diseases. Both sides will utilise the available training facilities and the services of experts with the overall objective of improving community health.