8th October, 2002
Ministry of Law & Justice


The Department of Justice has taken initiative in getting plans prepared for a model scheme of computerization and networking of subordinate courts in consultation with the subordinate courts and the High Courts under whose supervision the subordinate courts function. The model computerization of subordinate courts will be installed by the State Governments in consultation with the Centre. This will be in addition to the on-going computerization of subordinate courts in four metros of Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai.

The main features of the use of information technology will include installation of two computers in each court—one in the court room and the other in the chamber of the judge or magistrate, networking of computers in each State, creation of a website on which information relating to court cases, cause lists and court judgemenets could be accessed, facility for electronic filing of petitions and complaints addressed to the court and paying court fees and stamp duties through credit cards, storage of all court orders on common servers, retrieval of certified copies from a central filing and facilitation center, electronic display of cause lists and order of hearing in courts on a video screen on the pattern on which flight schedules are displayed at airports, Interactive Voice Response System to facilitate access to information relating to court cases like date of hearing through telephone by keying in relevant details like case number and court number on the pattern of railway reservation enquiry, access to judicial database like rulings of the Supreme Court and High Courts, facility for access to court orders on the internet, video conferencing links with jails to eliminate the need of transporting under trials from jails to the courts merely for seeking remand.

As a result, the application areas to be computerized will cover filing counter, query counter, database of pending cases, cause list generation, updating of databases, notices generation, certified copies, electronic filing, e-mail based communication, COURTNIC on internet, interactive voice response system, e-courts, availability of pending case status on internet, orders and judgement copies on internet, pay roll and personal information system.

The use of information technology in courts is intended to enhance its productivity, efficiency and speed up disposal of cases. In addition, it will effect economy in the establishment cost.