8th October, 2002
Prime Minister's Office  


Following is the text of the Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s remarks to the media after talks with the President of Cyprus at Nicosia today.

"I am very happy to be in this historic city of Nicosia. My delegation and I have been greeted by the most exceptional warmth and friendship.

As you know, India and Cyprus have historically enjoyed relations of deep-rooted friendship. We share a commitment to democracy and pluralism and a congruence of outlook on major regional and international issues.

The President and I have had fruitful discussions on carrying forward our bilateral partnership, exploiting the opportunities provided by globalization and new technologies.

The five agreements which we have just signed indicate some of the thrust areas for future cooperation.

Mr. President, you are involved in crucial negotiations to resolve the long-standing Cyprus problem. India has consistently stood for the independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and unity of the Republic of Cyprus. As your friends and well-wishers, we hope you will achieve a resolution of this issue in accordance with your aspirations and oas provided for in the UN Resolutions.

I also conveyed to President Clerides our best wishes for Cyprus in the final stages of its negotiations on entry into the European Union.

India considers Cyprus a time-tested and valuable ally. We appreciate the consistent support that we have received from India’s permanent membership of the UN Security Council. Cyprus also shares entirely our perspectives on countering international terrorism.

I hope this visit and its follow up will impart a new momentum to our bilateral relations. I would to like pay a special tribute to the personal contribution of President Cleridas to the development of our close and friendly relations.

Thank you".