25th November, 2002
Ministry of Labour & Empowerment  


The Labour Minister Dr. Sahib Singh told the Lok Sabha today that a comprehensive legislation on wages would be introduced in Parliament during the Budget session. He said it would rationalise the existing four legislations, viz., the Payment of Wages Act, 1936, the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 and the Equal Remuneration Act, 1976. The Labour Minister said that the recommendations and views expressed by various groups at the National Seminar on Unorganised Sector and other conferences, seminars and tripartite consultations would be kept in consideration while framing the proposed legislation. Dr. Sahib Singh said that the Centre increased the National Minimum Wage by Rs.5/- to Rs.50/- from 1st September this year. He said that the minimum wages in scheduled employments of mines and construction, maintenance of roads, building operations, laying of underground cables etc. in the Central sphere were earlier raised in January 2002 with retrospective effect from 1st October, 2001. The Minister said that in the mines sector the wages ranged between Rs.52/- and Rs.111/- per day and in construction and maintenance of roads etc., between Rs.52/- and Rs.118/-. Dr. Sahib Singh said that he has requested all Chief Ministers to ensure that minimum wage is not paid below Rs.50/-. But in some states there are instances of wages being paid below the minimum national floor level wage, he added. The Minister said that 16 complaints have been received during the last three years and assured the House that any violation would be dealt with severely.