14th November, 2002
Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation  


The Minister of State for Statistics and Programme Implementation, Shri Vijay Goel, has said that the Government will set up a Central Training Facility for training the statistics personnel in the country. He also said that the Government would take steps for correcting the deficiencies and revamping the current statistical system.

Shri Goel was inaugurating the two-year training programme of the 26th batch of the Indian Statistical Service (ISS) Officers here today.

The Minister emphasised the important role of statistics for planning the economic development of the nation. He advised the Statisticians to reduce the time gap between collection of data and the final output. He said that the recommendations of the National Statistical Commission were under active consideration of the Government.

The Indian Statistical System is decentralised by territory and subject. At the Centre, the various Ministries are responsible for official statistics on their subjects. The Officers of ISS, manning the Directorates/Statistics Cells in the Central Ministries, organise the collection, compilation and dissemination of statistics.