11th November, 2002
Ministry of Power  


A business delegation of Finland led by Mr. Jari Vilen, Minister for Foreign Trade, Finland called on Smt. Jayawanti Ben Mehta, Minister of State for Power recently. Smt. Mehta gave a brief account of power sector scenario in the country and suggested areas of cooperation between India and Finland particularly in distributed generation.

The Minister emphasised that the priority of Ministry of Power is to provide affordable power to the people in India and described the steps taken in the direction of completing rural electrification by 2007 and making power available to all households by 2010.

Smt. Mehta told the delegation that liberal regime of Foreign Direct Investment is already available in India in generation, transmission and distribution. She explained that the Electricity Bill, 2001 is presently under consideration of Parliamentary Standing committee on Energy and will be passed after receipt of their report. This would further liberalise the framework for development of the power sector in India with generation becoming free from licensing.

The visiting Minister expressed the commitment of Government of Finland to all round business relation with India. He enquired about the time frame for passing of Electricity Bill 2001 which provides for a liberal framework for power sector development. Mr. Jari Vilen further stated that his country has initiated energy conservation measures and many of these measures could possibly be implemented in India.