11th November, 2002
Ministry of Law & Justice  


In terms of the amendments effected in the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987, in 1994 and 2002, a nationwide network for providing free and competent legal services to the weaker sections has been set up. National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) has been constituted at the apex under the aegis of the Supreme Court of India for implementing and monitoring legal aid programmes in the country.

Accordingly, the Supreme Court Legal Services Committee has been constituted under the Act. In every High Court also, the High Court Legal Services Committees have been established to provide free legal aid to the poor in legal matters coming up before the High Courts. The State Legal Services Authorities, High Court Legal Services Committees, District Legal Services Authorities and Taluk Legal Services Committees have, so far, been set up all over the country.

The NALSA is taking steps to establish a vibrant legal aid programmes such as promotion of legal literacy, setting up of legal aid clinics in universities and law colleges, training of para-legals and holding of legal aid camps and Lok Adalats. The NALSA is also formulating policies and schemes to achieve the aims and objects of the 1987 Act.

During the period form October 1999 to date, about 16.74 lakh persons received free legal aid and advice in law courts. During the same period, about 86,300 Lok Adalats were held and 47.71 lakh cases settled. This included 2,61,550 motor vehicle accident cases wherein compensation amounting to Rs. 1446.82 crores was ordered to be paid by the parties involved.

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