8th November, 2002
Ministry of Agriculture  


Main conclusions of the National Seminar on Methodological Issues in the Fixation of Minimum Support Prices organized by Commission for Agricultural Costs & Prices on November 6-7, 2002 are as below:-

1. The Ministry of Agriculture should be the main player in all policy initiatives/decisions that affect the agricultural sector either directly or indirectly.

2. The CACP should play a strategic role in suggesting appropriate policy changes in a holistic manner for the agricultural sector as a whole and not just be confined to make crop specific recommendations.

3. The CACP should act as a think tank for the Ministry of Agriculture. It should work like a Tariff Commission and suggest reforms in taxes, subsidy, credit, marketing etc., especially in order to promote market led diversified agriculture in the wake of globalization.

4. Minimum Support Prices should be more in the nature of a floor price. However, MSP should cover at least the operational expenses plus the cost of family labour

5. The main objectives of MSP should be the following:

(i) To protect the farmers from facing undue hardship due to price fluctuation in the market and ensure price stability;

(ii) to ensure food security at both macro and micro levels;

(iii) to ensure fair and equitable agricultural terms of trade;

(iv) to provide signals for markets and market led agricultural diversification.

6. Region specific MSP would be undesirable and also difficult to implement.

7. MSPs cannot be mechanically linked with either costs of production or market prices. Sound, albeit holistic economic analysis and professional judgment of CACP would be extremely important, in fixing MSPs.

8. MSP should be declared in time, i.e., before the sowing season.

9. Agricultural Price Policy should give appropriate signals for sustainable use of land, water and other natural resources.

10. There should be efforts to improve the quality of data on costs of cultivation. Data should be realistic and acceptable to the farming community.

11. There should be re-examination of the methods followed in imputing the value of (a) family labour (b) rental value of land and (c) interest on capital.

12. The CACP should examine whether transportation costs, marketing costs and processing costs be considered for the purpose of fixing MSP of various crops.

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