10th May, 2002
Ministry of Chemical & Fertilizers


Secretary Chemicals & Petrochemicals, Shri Vinay Kohli, reviewed the progress of the implementation of Assam Gas Cracker Project, here today. This project is to be set up jointly by Reliance Industries Limited and Assam State Industrial Development Corporation under the name of Reliance Assam Petrochemicals Limited (RAPL). In the meeting it was informed that the ONGC and RAPL have resolved the longstanding issue of gas supply agreement under the direction of Shri B.K. Chaturvedi, Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas. The representative of RAPL informed that they were ready to initial the gas supply agreement with ONGC. The Ministry of P&NG are also processing the case for identifying the agency, which would supply LPG to RAPL to make up the shortfall in the supply of gas to RAPL and it is expected that this exercise would be completed in 2-3 weeks’ time. Once the issue of feedstock is resolved, the implementation of the project will be on the fast track as the State Government is ready to hand over the possession of the land required for the project to RAPL as and when they deposit the requisite money. This project had been proposed in order to give impetus to the development of the North-Eastern region, particularly Assam, as a follow up of the Assam Accord.