10th May, 2002
Ministry of Home Affairs


The Home Minister, Shri L.K. Advani today assured the Parliamentary Consultative Committee attached to the Ministry that Government will do everything necessary to restore normalcy in Gujarat. He said even if there had been no resolution in the Rajya Sabha on the Gujarat issue Article 355 casts upon the Central Government a Constitutional duty to protect a State in times of internal strife or external threat. The Rajya Sabha Resolution has only made the Government more conscious about this obligation.

Sharing the concern expressed by Members on the continuing violence in the State, Shri L.K. Advani said that there are reliable reports (including intercepts) that speak of underworld elements being in touch with their mentors in Pakistan regarding retaliatory actions in Gujarat and even parts of Maharashtra. Help from across the border, he said, is being sought for supply of arms, ammunition and explosives for undertaking such acts of violence. Pak-based leaders of Lashkar-e-Tayyaba and elements of gangs of Dawood Ibrahim and late Abdul Latif are, in particular, involved in such conspiracies.

On the appointment of Mr. K.P.S. Gill as Security Advisor to Gujarat Chief Minister, the Home Minister said it is the State Government which has taken the decision but in consultation with the Centre. Shri Advani said the Cabinet Secretariat is also monitoring the situation with regard to relief and rehabilitation of riot victims.

In reply to concern expressed by some Members about winding up of some relief camps in the troubled State, the Home Minister said the State Government has not taken any such decision. He pointed out that this issue of Relief Camps had been agitated before the Gujarat High Court recently. On May 3, 2002 the High Court pronouncing decision had observed that "in view of the positive stand of the State Government regarding the camps, it is not in dispute that the existing camps in question are not going to be discontinued up to 30th June, 2002. At this stage no further interim order regarding continuation of the camps after 31st May, 2002 is required to be granted in view of the positive statement given by the learned Additional Advocate General".

The Hon’ble High Court has also taken into account the steps taken by the State Government for management of the camps and has appreciated the same. Among other things the Court has said "Before parting with this order, it must be said that since the state has already appointed Mr. S.M.F. Bukhari, a retired I.A.S. Officer, as Chief Coordinator for looking after the relief and rehabilitation facility at various camps and considering the fact that the State has also increased at least to some extent the cash assistance from Rs.5/- per day per person to Rs.7/-, the Court is of the opinion that the State has also taken care to some extent in trying to sort out the problem, which is ventilated by the petitioners in this petition, and the said gesture on the part of the State is required to be appreciated. The efforts put in by the State Government in this behalf, as indicated above, are required to be appreciated".

Participating in the meeting Members cutting across party lines expressed concern on the continuing violence in Gujarat and the plight of the people staying in makeshift camps in this grueling summer. Some Members even wanted the Central Government to monitor the relief announced by the Prime Minister. They also hailed the Government for the Rs. 150 crore package for the Gujarat victims as announced by the Prime Minister.

The Rajiv Gandhi assassination case and the Constitution of the Multi Disciplinary Monitoring Agency (MDMA) was the other item for discussion in the Consultative Committee held today. In reply to the precise status of the inquiry asked by Shri Arjun Singh, the Home Minister said even after the Jain Commission’s enquiry into the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case some doubts remained unanswered and therefore the Government constituted the MDMA. The term of the monitoring agency was to expire on the 31st of May, 2002 but the Government has agreed to extend for one more year. The MDMA have been submitting progress reports periodically to the Designated Court at Chennai and will submit its final report to the Government after getting the permission from the said court.

Those who attended the Meeting today are S/Shri Ananda Mohan Biswas; Jagdambi Prasad Yadav; Madan Lal Khuran; Somnath Chatterjee; Ali Mohd. Naik; Rajkumar Wangcha; Joyanta Rongpi; Avtar Singh Bhadana; Anandi Charan Sahu; and Pawan Kumar Bansal all from the Lok Sabha and S/Shri Ram Gopal yadav, S. Viduthalai Virumbi; Narendra Mohan, Ghulam Nabi Azad; Suresh Pachouri; Shankar Roy Chowdhury; Arjun Singh; Mirza Abdul Rashid; Balbir K. Punj; and V. Maitreyan all from the Rajya Sabha. The Ministers of State Shri Ch. Vidyasagar Rao and Shri I.D. Swami also attended the Meeting.