2nd May, 2002
Ministry of Labour & Empowerment  


About one lakh workers are directly engaged in fish processing units. Stating this in the Rajya Sabha in a written reply today, the Minister of State for Labour & Employment Shri Muni Lall said that majority of them are female workers. He said that in certain units, good quality potable water is used and workers normally geunits workers including women workers have some times to work beyond 7 PM depending upon the demand and urgency of work. However, no specific case of sexual harassment has been reported, the Minister added. Shri Muni Lall said that saline water is not used in sheds for peeling prawns. He said that in all registered processing/pre-processing t adequate time to keep their hands dry for a certain period. Shri Muni Lall said that workers employed in the peeling sheds are prone to occupational diseases like infections, skin erosion on inner palm and fingers etc. He said that whenever the workers feel that their hands are susceptible to infection, they wear gloves provided by the processing units. Medical care is also given to workers in approved fish processing units.