1st May, 2002
Ministry of Labour & Empowerment  


The Labour Minister Shri Sharad Yadav has greeted the workers on the May Day. In his message, Shri Yadav said that the workers are one of the important factors that contribute significantly to the development and prosperity of the nation and sought cooperation of the Trade Unions in nation building in the present moment of economic reforms. He said that the Report of the Second National Labour Commission, which is expected shortly, would be expeditiously examined and recommendations implemented at the earliest. The Commission has been set up to evolve an umbrella legislation for the workers in the unorganised sector and to suggest rationalization of laws relating to workers in the organised sector. Shri Yadav said that the government is of the view that the adverse effects of liberalisation and globalisation are not to be disproportionately shared by the working class but they must get the fruits of prosperity as well.