March 21, 2002



    Parliamentary Standing Committee on Commerce has recommended establishment of Technology Mission on Wool for the development of the woolen sector. The T.M.W. with three missions (i) Research and development of wool fibre ;(ii) Development of Decentralized woollen Textile Industries and; (iii) The development of carpet industries, is likely to be launched in the near future on the pattern of Technology Mission on Cotton.

    Announcing this, at the 16th Governing Body meeting of the Central Wool Development Board in New Delhi today the Minister of Textiles, Mr. Kashiram Rana said though for the implementation of T.M.W Rs. 307 crores are required but the Ministry is likely to get Rs. 70 crores to start the mission at a smaller scale to begin with. He said over 25 lakh persons are employed in wool growing and sheep rearing etc. This sector being mainly in the unorganized sector, needs more protection from the state Govts than the Central Govt. There are nearly 7000 powerloom units in the woolen industry and 700 woolen units in the organized sector, he divulged .The production of the raw wool in the country is about 45 million kgs, 85% of which is carpet grade wool, 5% apparel grade and 10% coarse grade wool for making blankets etc. For meeting the needs of the woolen industry, about 55 million kg. Raw-wool is imported every year mainly from Australia and New Zealand other than 80 million kg. of rags to meet the need of shody sector of the woolen industry.

    Mr. Kashiram Rana urged upon the State Governments to come forward and pay more attention to the wool sector to develop it into a main source for earning foreign exchange and at the same time for generating employment opportunities Mr. Rana emphasized that focussed attention should be given to the development of specialty fibre such as Angora and Pashmina which command a growing high value addition market.

    The Vice-Chairperson and the Joint Secretary, Ministry of Textiles, Miss. Kiran Dhingra informed the meeting that upto February 2002, out of Rs. 325 lakhs, the grant . received by MOT, the Central Wool Development Board spent Rs. 236.82 lakhs under various schemes and projects for the benefit of the wool sector. For the year 2002-2003, the annual plan has been proposed for Rs. 800 lakhs. Spelling the objectives of Central Wool Development Board. Miss Dhingra said that it provides a support structure and a system in weaker areas of the value addition chain. Consequently, the Central Wool Development Board has focused its energies on the powerloom industry, through schemes aimed at increased production of wool, on improvement in the quality of fibre produced in the country and on facilitating measures for testing and marketing support.