March 15, 2002



    In a bid to invite support and cooperation of the Corporate sector in promoting excellence in sports in active partnership with Government and National Sports Federations (NSFs) and to initiate a fruitful dialogue between the Government and the Industry in the interest of sports promotion, a meeting was held on 7th December, 2001 under the Chairmanship of the Finance Minister, Shri Yashwant Sinha with the representatives of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry. Though the private sector is making a useful contribution in promotion of sports, the meeting was held to obtain support of the industry in a planned manner. It was decided to adopt the following course of action:

  1. There must be a constant dialogue and coordinated efforts between the Government and Industry in the interest of promotion of sports.
  2. Scouting talent is of crucial importance for grooming sports persons who can excel at the international level. Therefore, both the Government and the industry must exchange notes regarding talent scouting and take follow up action to nurture such talent.
  3. An action plan should be prepared in respect of the possible area of cooperation between the Government and the Industry.
  4. Representatives of Industry Associations and Government should periodically review the progress made in promoting sports with the active participation of the Industry associations.

    This information was given by the Minister of State for Youth Affairs and Sports, Shri Pon. Radhakirishnan in a written reply to a question from Shri C.P. Thirunavukkarasu in the Rajya Sabha today.