March 14, 2002
'23' LOK SABHA ENCROACHMENT ON RAILWAY LANDApproximately 2162 Hectares of railway land is under encroachments by various persons in the country, out of which approximately 400 Hectares of railway land in Delhi, 37 hectares in Mumbai, 17 hectares in Kolkata, and 40 hectares in Chennai, are under encroachment. However, connivance of Railway Officials in this has not been noticed. Railways are engaged in a continuous exercise to remove encroachment from their land as per provisions of Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorised Occupants) Act,1971, and as per provisions of the Railways Act, 1989.
This information was given by the Minister of State for Railways , Shri O.Rajagopal in a written reply to a question by Dr.Baliram,and S/shri Ramsheth Thakur, Ram Mohan Gadde and M.V.V.S.Murthi in the Lok Sabha today.