March 9, 2002



    The contentious Ayodhya issue, which has remained unresolved for a long time, is now on a road to speedy resolution, said Prime Minister, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

    He made this optimistic remark in a meeting with a delegation of the All India Organisation of Imams at his residence this evening. He said a conducive atmosphere for the expeditious resolution of the issue has been created because of two factors: One, the commitment given by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad to honour the court’s verdict in respect of the disputed site in Ayodhya; and two, the mediatory role played by His Holiness Shankaracharya of Kanchi, which has helped the dialogue between the leaders of the two communities to resume.

    "Swamiji came from far-away Kanchi as a messenger of peace. I am happy that the representatives of the Muslim community have had candid talks with him", the Prime Minister noted.

    Calling the change in VHP’s stand on the disputed site "a big development", Shri Vajpayee urged the Muslim community to appreciate its great significance. "Earlier, they were saying they did not recognise the role of the judiciary in this dispute. Now they have changed their position on this matter. This has created a positive atmosphere", he observed.

    The Prime Minister began his remarks by saying that there is "thodi khushi and thodi gham" today. The gham (grief), he said, was on account of the horrendous communal violence in Gujarat. He assured that the culprits responsible for the violence, in Godhra, or elsewhere in the State, would be brought to justice. "What has happened in Gujarat has sullied the reputation of India in the world, he noted.

    The khushi (happiness), he added, was on account of Shankaracharya’s bold and sincere mediation and the positive change in the VHP’s stand on the disputed site.

    Commenting on the proposed puja by the Ram Janmabhoomi Nyas on the acquired adjacent land in Ayodhya, the Prime Minister stated that the Government would do as per the directions of the Supreme Court, which is hearing the matter on March 13.