March 7, 2002
REPORT ON REVIEW OF DGQA SUBMITTEDThe Committee set-up to review the working of Directorate General Quality Assurance (DGQA) and Military Engineering Service (MES) organisations has submitted its first report. This report which deals with DGQA was submitted to the Defence Minister, Shri George Fernandes by Shri V.S. Jafa, Chairman of the Committee here today.
The Committee was set-up in June last year to identify broad areas where systems and procedures were time consuming and due to efflux of time, work needs to be rationalized or substituted with measures which would improve time and cost of operations. The Committee was also asked to look at the establishments and structures and suggest measures for rationalization of staff and cadres. The report on MES is expected by the end of this month.
The Ministry of Defence has always been concerned about improving the efficiency and productivity of its organisations and making them cost effective. Several Committees have been working on these issues from time to time. In 1990 the Committee on Defence Expenditure had made a Report. Recently, the Task Force on Management of Defence has made several recommendations, some of which have already been implemented.