26th, June, 2002
Ministry of Power  


The Minister of Power, Heavy Industry and Public Enterprises Shri Suresh Prabhu who is on a visit to the United Kingdom, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Cooperation in the Power Sector with the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, Mrs. Patricia Hewitt in London yesterday.

The MoU provides for the establishment of a Joint Power Sector Working Group for promoting and facilitating reform in the power sector. It also envisages undertaking of various measures to facilitate development of power sector, exchange of experts and sharing of information, experiences and best practices. The concerned ministers of the two countries will be the Patrons of this group, which will meet every year alternatively in each country to review the progress of activities undertaken under the MoU. The first formal meeting of the working group will be held during the visit of Mrs. Hewitt to India being planned for January 2003.

In their discussions after the signing of the MoU Shri Prabhu briefed Mrs. Hewitt on the comprehensive reforms in the power sector being undertaken by the Government of India on all fronts - policy, regulatory, legislative and administrative and in all spheres - generation, distribution, transmission, conservation and anti-theft measures. He also mentioned various steps being taken by the Ministry of Power to create awareness among the masses on the issue of power reforms and tariff. Mrs. Hewitt welcomed India’s efforts in this direction and offered that British experts, who were key to the success of privatisation in the U.K., could be made available for interaction with Indian authorities.

Shri Prabhu also briefly touched upon the ongoing liberalisation and privatisation in India and suggested that British companies should make use of the changed business environment in the power sector and the attractive opportunities offered by India as a business destination.

Both the Minister of Power and the Secretary of State agreed that the MoU, which only formalised the long standing understanding and interaction between the Governments of India and the U.K., came at a right time to provide further boost to existing cooperation and growing ties between the two countries in trade and commerce.


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