7th June, 2002
Ministry of Commerce & Industry  


The first meeting of the Joint Ministerial Committee (JMC) under the India-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement (FTA) was held here today. The Indian delegation was led by Shri Murasoli Maran, Commerce and Industry Minister, while the Sri Lankan delegation was led by Mr. Ravi Karunanayake, Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs of Sri Lanka.

In his opening remarks, the Commerce and Industry Minister of India, Shri Murasoli Maran, while welcoming the delegates from Sri Lanka, appreciated the progress made so far in the implementation of the FTA by highlighting its contribution towards enhancing trade and investment between the two countries. He also stated that the meeting of the Working Group on Customs held on 5th June, 2002 and the Commerce Secretary level talks held on 6th June, 2002 were successful in resolving some of the impending issues relating to the operational aspects of the FTA.

In his address, the Sri Lankan Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, by Mr. Ravi Karunanayake, thanked the Government of India for hosting the JMC Meeting and stated that the Meeting assumes much greater significance in view of the fact that it has been organised on the eve of their Prime Minister’s visit to India. He, however, expressed concern over the yawning trade deficit which Sri Lanka has with India and stated that efforts should be made to bridge this gap. He also emphasised that still much needs to be done by both the sides to further enhance bilateral trade and investment flows.

From the Indian side, various issues including allowing import of all types of Indian tea for home consumption in Sri Lanka and deeper preferential margins for export of bulk cement to Sri Lanka were raised. The Sri Lankan side raised issues regarding opening up of more ports for export of tea and garments under Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ), deepening of concessions for export of garments and relaxing Rules of Origin Criteria among some other issues relating to giving Sri Lankan products greater access to Indian markets. It was agreed that these issues will be further examined by the sides and finalised in the official level meeting in the month of July, 2002 in Colombo.

Both the Ministers agreed that trade in services has become very important in the present circumstances and there is need to utilise the core competencies of both the countries especially in the areas of transshipment, tourism and professional services to the mutual advantage. It was agreed that a Working Group can be formed which can examine in greater details as to how services can be included in the FTA.

The Ministers also agreed that there is a need for a regular interaction at the official level as well as at the Ministerial level with a view to sorting out the implementation and policy issues concerning the Free Trade Agreement in a spirit of mutual cooperation and goodwill.


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