6th June, 2002
Ministry Of Law, Justice & Company Affairs  


The Government in the Department of Justice has introduced a new scheme in consultation with the Planning Commission for removal of deficiencies in the infrastructure of High Courts. As compared to Rs. 3 crore earmarked for such purposes during 2001-2002, the Government has provided Rs. 18 crores during 2002-2003 to meet the deficiencies in this regard.

Last year, Rs. 3 crore was incurred for augmenting infrastructure of High Courts in the newly created three States of Chhattisgarh, Uttaranchal and Jharkhand. These three States have placed the demands for total requirement of Rs. 36.11 crore for building works, furnishing, air conditioning, computerization and library.

Other States have also placed their demands for funding of the infrastructure improvement in their High Courts. The Governmwent of Rajasthan has demanded Rs.22.44 crore for re-construction of High Court Bench building at Jaipur, the Government of Orissa Rs. 20 crore for renovation and addition of extra buildings for the High Court of Orissa at Cuttak, the Government of Kerala Rs. 10 crores for completion of the new High Court building at Erunakulam, the Government of Madhya Pradesh Rs. 108.5 crore for major and minor works for High Court and subordinate judiciary including extension of High Court building at Indore, the Governments of West Bengal and Maharashtra requested for funds for new buildings of High Courts at Kolkata and Nagpur respectively, the Government of Uttar Pradesh demanded funds to construct new building for the Allahabad High Court Bench at Lucknow and the Government of Gujarat Rs. 10 crore for improving infrastructure of its High Court.